Tag: children’s illustration Page 2 of 5

Dreaming of the Sea

A somewhat blurry photo of my artwork for Ang INK’s 20th anniversary exhibit, currently up at Ayala Museum!  

Pinky Swear

Pinky Swear, a local children’s clothing store, approached me and asked me to draw a character for their brand. My friend Arlene Sy designed their logo! 😀

A Tomato Fangirl

Everyone’s a fan of something! She is typing a poem about tomatoes and it probably goes something like this: Oh tomatoes, how can it be, that you are…

Praying for Japan

May Japan get through this crisis.

Bunny Hearts

It is the year of the bunny! I managed to finish this early. I feel so proud. hahaha! 😀 I read somewhere that this will be a lucky…

Periwinklephins’ Christmas Tree

“Upsy daisy!”

Gadget Candy

A client commissioned me to draw her with her favorite things. 🙂

When I was Seven

Kind of late posting this, but better than never! Ang InK had a mini-exhibit last June 1-15, 2010 at Gallery 7, Eastwood Mall.  The theme was to draw…


A safe place amidst all the uncertainty.

Winter Olympics

My friend asked me to draw him and I happily obliged.  We’re following the ice hockey matches. Woot~ Go Canada! Win or lose, we still love you.